

The Glass Mechanix training program is the most credible and complete repair training program in the entire industry. Our staff boasts decades of experience in the industry, along with numerous accolades and awards both training and actively performing rock chip repairs. We have membership on the National Windshield Repair Association Board and ROLAGS committee. We feel uniquely qualified to deliver our passion and vision of creating the very most skilled and successful repair technicians in our great industry.


Day 1 - Advanced Repair Training - FREE(w/purchase of any GMS kit, past or present). $500 otherwise - We will conduct a comprehensive training and certification course that focuses on windshield repair.  Every attendee receives a certificate of completion and a lifetime 15% discount on future purchases.

Day 2 - Advanced Business Training - $500 - All things business, training includes, sales, marketing, networking, insurance industry background, claim processing, referral business, employee management and much more.

Day 3 - Live Field Experience - $500 - Go into the field with some of our own technicians and get a real life interactive experience with customers.  See first hand how to make $200-$500 per day.


2020 Training Schedule:
(The 2nd week of every month (excluding the month of December) -- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of that training week)

January 8th-10th(Corporate Office) -- Taking Reservations
February 12th-14th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
March 11th-13th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
April 8th-10th(Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
May 13th-15th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
June 10th-12th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
July 8th-10th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
August 12th-14th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
September 9th-11th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
October 7th-9th (Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
November 11th-13th(Corporate Office) - Taking Reservations
December -- Excluded